

    Free [LittleRoom] Duck Update! Now with new kids! Update

    Model description [LittleRoom] Duck: With this updated Duck Pack, your lovely ducks can now produce baby ducklings. All you have to do is put some wheat seeds near two ducks, and as a result of their closeness, a new duckling will appear! Over time, the baby duck will grow into an adult duck...

    Free [LittleRoom] Giant Snails! Release

    Model description Giant Snails!: Finally, good giant snails for Minecraft! Today we have two kinds of giant snails for you: a classic garden snail with a lantern and a giant shade leaf, and a magma snail that can walk on lava! Feed these snails anything and they'll either give you a slime ball...

    Free [LittleRoom] PINK SAUCE RELEASE

    Description of PINK SAUCE model: Give your players pink sauce, for better or worse, usually worse.

    Free [LittleRoom] Hunt for Hidden Treasures! Release

    Model description: Search for hidden treasures with the new metal detector, just walk in the sandy area and wait for the beep, the sound will speed up the closer you are to the treasure! Right click on any shovel to pick up loot! Enjoy! Model description:
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