
Free Health-Sync 0.1

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Health-Sync Plugin


HealthSync is a Minecraft plugin designed to allow players to link their health and hunger levels with other players. This functionality enhances gameplay by enabling cooperative strategies and shared resources among players.


  • Link Health: Players can link their health with another player.
  • Unlink Health: Players can unlink their health from another player.
  • List Linked Players: Players can view all players they are linked with.
  • Clear Links: Players can clear all health links.
  • Configurable Settings: The plugin allows configuration of various settings, including maximum linked players.


Minecraft Server: Compatible with versions 1.8.x to 1.21.x.
Java: Requires Java 1.8 or higher.
Spigot/Paper: The plugin is designed to work with Spigot or Paper servers.


  1. Download the latest version of the HealthSync plugin JAR file.
  2. Place the JAR file into the plugins directory of your Minecraft server.
  3. Start or restart the server.
  4. The plugin will generate a configuration file and a data file on first run.


The plugin comes with a configuration file (config.yml) that allows server administrators to customize various settings. The default configuration includes:

  # Health sync settings
  link-hunger: false # Set this to true if you want to link hunger
  persistent-groups: true
  group-death-sync: true
  remove-on-disconnect: false
  save-interval: 60  # In seconds (1 minute)

Configuration Options :

max-linked-players: The maximum number of players that can be linked to a single player.

auto-save: Whether to automatically save data after linking/unlinking players.

debug: Enables debug logging for troubleshooting.


The following commands are available in the HealthSync plugin:

/healthsyncMain command for HealthSync pluginhealthsync.gui
/linkhealth <player>Link your health with another
/unlinkhealth <player>Unlink your health from another playerhealthsync.unlink
/listlinkedList all players you are linked withhealthsync.list
/clearlinksClear all health linkshealthsync.admin.clear

Command Usage​

Link Health/linkhealth <player>Links your health with the specified player.
Unlink Health/unlinkhealth <player>Unlinks your health from the specified player.
List Linked Players/listlinkedDisplays a list of players you are currently linked with.
Clear Links/clearlinksRemoves all health links associated with your player.


The following permissions are used by the HealthSync plugin:

healthsync.*Grants access to all HealthSync commands
healthsync.linkAllows linking health with other players
healthsync.unlinkAllows unlinking health from other players
healthsync.listAllows viewing linked players
healthsync.guiAllows using the GUI interface
healthsync.adminGrants access to admin commands
healthsync.admin.clearAllows clearing all health links
healthsync.admin.reloadAllows reloading the plugin
healthsync.admin.bypassPrevents being linked by other players

Data Management​

The plugin uses a data.yml file to store linked player data. This file is automatically created upon the first run of the plugin. The structure of the data file is as follows:

    - <linked_player_uuid_1>
    - <linked_player_uuid_2>
    - <linked_player_uuid_3>

Data File Management​

  • The plugin automatically saves data when players link or unlink.
  • If the data.yml file is missing or corrupted, the plugin will create a new one with an empty linked-players section.


The plugin includes a debug mode that can be enabled in the configuration file. When enabled, the plugin will log additional information to help troubleshoot issues.


For support, please visit our Discord Server on issue for any bugs or feature requests.


HealthSync is a powerful and flexible plugin that enhances the multiplayer experience in Minecraft by allowing players to share their health and hunger levels. With easy installation and configuration, it is a valuable addition to any server. Enjoy linking your health with friends and strategizing together!
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