Tested Minecraft Versions:
DeluxeBazaar is a plugin that adds advanced bazaar/shop system to your server, like the popular server!
The best, cheap, advanced, fully customizable bazaar plugin; like the popular server!
You can join to Discord for any questions or problems.
Every message & permission can be customizable in config.yml
You can use this placeholders for showing some informations.
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.20
DeluxeBazaar is a plugin that adds advanced bazaar/shop system to your server, like the popular server!
The best, cheap, advanced, fully customizable bazaar plugin; like the popular server!
You can join to Discord for any questions or problems.
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/3nAm7Fn.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/WsZTrp9.png)
- You need to download some plugins for using specific plugin features (please look to dependencies page).
- If you have any problem or suggestion, don't use reviews. Just contact to me via discussion, private messages or Discord.
- My Discord: SedatTR#8666
- Wiki Page: https://sedattr.gitbook.io/deluxebazaar
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/uD6Wcvk.png)
- Different database types (MySQL, SQLite and Yaml)
- Different economy types supported (Vault, Yaml, RoyaleEconomy, PlayerPoints, TokenManager)
- Different input types supported (Anvil and Sign)
- Discord Webhook support for information messages like player bought/sold item
- Custom head skins & HeadDatabase support
- Many different customizable sounds
- Order System with buy orders, sell offers, formula system and more...
- Custom Amount, Fill Inventory selections for buy & sell
- Item Name Detection System for selling items that not bought from bazaar
- Item Price Changing System for updating item's buy & sell prices with formulas
- Page System for main menu and orders
- Different permission support for each item
- Item Stats for showing item's informations
- Rich & Advanced Bazaar API
- Custom Item Support (You can add all items to bazaar, includes other plugins' items like MMOItems, CustomItems, ItemsAdder's items)
- Fully customizable items & categories
- 100% customizable (messages, settings...)
- Support to use bazaar like admin shop
- Everything is easy to setup & use
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/UFfubWO.png)
Every message & permission can be customizable in config.yml
- /bazaar: Shows all commands. (bazaar.command)
- /bazaar menu: Opens bazaar menu. (bazaar.menu)
- /bazaar buy [item] [count]: Buys item. (bazaar.buy)
- /bazaar sell [item] [count]: Sells item. (bazaar.sell)
- /bazaar sellall: Sells all items in your inventory. (bazaar.sellall)
- /bazaaradmin menu [player]: Opens bazaar menu for player. (bazaaradmin.menu)
- /bazaaradmin buy [player] [item] [count]: Buys item for player. (bazaaradmin.buy)
- /bazaaradmin sell [player] [item] [count]: Sells item for player. (bazaaradmin.sell)
- /bazaaradmin sellall [player]: Sells all items for player. (bazaaradmin.sellall)
- /bazaaradmin createitem [name] [category]: Automatically creates item in your hand and add to files, includes name, lore, enchants, flags, nbt tags and more. (bazaaradmin.createitem)
- /bazaaradmin reload: Reloads plugin. (bazaaradmin.reload)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/KGaXVCL.png)
New Discord Webhook
- Bought Message
- Sold Message
- Sold All Message
- Setup Buy Order Message
- Setup Sell Offer Message
- Search Item (No Query)
- Search Item (Query: stone)
- Search Menu (Query: stone)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/ervtKg5.png)
You can use this placeholders for showing some informations.
- %bazaar_buy_orders%: Get player's buy order amount.
- %bazaar_sell_offers%: Get player's sell offer amount.
- %bazaar_balance_formatted%: Get player's balance with number format.
- %bazaar_balance%: Get player's clean balance.
- %bazaar_mode%: Get player's current bazaar mode.
- %bazaar_category%: Get player's current bazaar category.
- %bazaar_buyprice_formatted_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's buy price with number format.
- %bazaar_sellprice_formatted_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's sell price with number format.
- %bazaar_buyprice_fixed_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's clean buy price.
- %bazaar_sellprice_fixed_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's clean sell price.
- %bazaar_buy_amount_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's buy amount.
- %bazaar_sell_amount_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's sell amount.
- %bazaar_buy_stock_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's buy stock amount.
- %bazaar_sell_stock_BAZAAR-ITEM%: Get bazaar item's sell stock amount.